
Historic Fincastle Inc., – Historical Document Collection: 1770’s to Present

March 21st, 2017

Over the course of her lifetime Dottie Kessler researched and collected a large volume of information about Fincastle history and culture.   When her family carried out her request that her historic archives be given to Historic Fincastle, Inc. it was with the understanding that HFI preserve, archive, display and distribute her notes, writings and photographs of the town and county in a manner that honors her love for her town and county.  The members of the Archives Committee were determined to be good stewards of this treasure trove of Fincastle information. Now, through the web-based museum software, PastPerfect, researchers may explore these documents and photographs of local historical significance.  Please visit (no www. in the address).



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In appreciation…

March 21st, 2017

The image to the left is a plaque for James E. Hickenbotham’s donation of the native stone that was used in the Fincastle gateway sign.HickenbothamPlaque

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